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2018 Guerrilla Gravity Updates


Boom! Here it is. The 2018 updates you've been waiting for...

To start, we have some good news: 2018 builds give you more shred for your buck! We’ve been bustin’ ass on the backend to make mountain biking more awesome, not more expensive. So far, so good! Operational updates have allowed us to reduce our costs, increase efficiencies, and bring CNC machining in-house - and we’re passing the savings onto riders! Framesets now start at $1,995 and complete full suspension builds are starting at $2,995. Where else can you get made in ‘Merica for under $3,000!?

2018 Guerrilla Gravity Component And Accessory Updates

  • The new MRP Ribbon Coil fork is available on every build by request
  • Spank bars, stems, and pedals for dat bling! Available in black, red, and blue, so you can mix and match to heart’s desire (maybe match the spokes with the new Industry Nine wheelset options?)
  • SRAM Eagle available on every build
  • Bike Yoke Revive dropper posts in 160 and 185 mm travel lengths with their self-bleeding function
  • Carbon wheels: for the first time carbon wheels are available on all builds with DT Swiss XMC 1200. One of the most reliable carbon options on the market!
  • Huck Norris and CushCore tire inserts are available with every bike and come installed with your wheelset as part of a complete bike or frameset

2018 GG Frame Updates

  • More dropper post insertion! We’ve been able to move the stealth routing port on the frames to allow an additional 30 mm of seat post insertion allowing you to run a Bike Yoke 185 mm post in a size Small (full suspension frame)
  • New decals! The new waterslide decals are more durable and exclusive GG wind tunnel testing shows a reduced drag by .666% (the devil is in the details!)*
    • * DISCLAIMER: We don’t actually have a wind tunnel...
  • New Limited Edition colors!
    • F* Yeah Red
    • Glow in the Gnar
    • LamborGG
    • White Knuckles

2018 GG Updates Here