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2015 Sea Otter Dual Slalom Qualifying Results

2015 Sea Otter Pro Men's DS Quailfying Results

  1. Luca Shaw        1:09.73 (combined)
  2. Brian Lopes       1:10.30 (combined)
  3. Michael Hannah 1:10.37 (combined)
  4. Kyle Strait         1:10.57 (combined)
  5. Martin Maes       1:11.27 (combined)

2015 Sea Otter Pro Women's DS Quailfying Results

  1. Jill Kitner 1:18.30 (combined) 
  2. Anneke Beerten 1:21.02 (combined)
  3. Claire Buchar 1:21.35 (combined)
  4. Emilie Siegenthal 1:24.88 (combined)
  5. Jaise Hill 1:25.59 (combined)

2015 Sea Otter Legends DS Quailfying Results

  1. Shaun Palmer 1:14.22 (combined)
  2. Eric Carter 1:14.67 (combined)
  3. Mike King 1:16.39 (combined)
  4. Rich Houseman 1:17.61 (combined)
  5. Joe Lawwill 1:18.63 (combined) 


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