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Ayr Academy "Learn From Your Heroes Camp Giveaway"

Want to learn from your heroes- for FREE!? Well we’re giving you the chance. Enter to win a week at Highland Mountain’s coveted Ayr Academy and win a one-week session of your choice! It’s pretty easy:

Create a “self interview” video approx. 2-3 minutes in length of why you want to come to camp at Ayr Academy- use a webcam, iphone, GoPro, whatever you’ve got and get creative. Ask yourself “Self- why do I want to go to camp this summer and learn from my heroes?”

Title your video “Camper Name Interview” and upload to a media player then share it on our Facebook page.

Deadline is June 25th

So that’s it! If youre confused watch our first video submission from “Moe” and if you still have questions email us at

Fan our Facebook page- to enter and watch all the entries!

Contest Rules:
-Contest applicant must pay for travel to and from New Hampshire- comp is only for camp session, food and lodging.
-Contest applicant must be between the ages of 12-18
-The contest will close at midnight eastern time on June25th, 2012

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