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Crankworx 2012 - (Un)Offical Whip-Off World Championships

An exciting new addition to Crankworx Whistler’s event calendar is the UnOfficial Whip Off World Championships. The event took place on the Whistler Mountain Bike Park’s gigantic Crabapple Hits. There are no rules in this event; the biggest, most stylish whip takes home the $1,000 cash prize and American Tyler McCaul was the man to do it today.

Thomas Vanderham pulled the second best whip, MVP went to Brendan Fairclough and Cam Zink got an honourable mention. The “best whip not brought back” was Bernard Kerr and on the women’s side Lorraine Brancher came away with kudos. Other titles included in the grassroots event was “best AM whip” pulled by Chris Young, highest air to Jamie Goldman and “best scrub” to Ian Morrison.

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